Additional Supports Needed for People Living with Long COVID – Christine


Christine wishes there was more information about long COVID specifically for employers.


I wish that there was more information that’s sent out to work, so that people understood … I got a really good small sheet on – I think it’s only seven pages long – on workplace accommodations for long-haul COVID. And it’s so easy – it looks like an infographic – it’s a couple of pages and that’s what I’m going to be sending to my HR. Because it makes – and it talks about this problem of, “There’s going to be good days and there’s going to be bad days. And you’re going to be going to work and you look great and you’re playing volleyball and then the next day you can’t move,” and I wish that that would get out … It’s made it so much easier for me to go and approach them now  … I just wish that I didn’t feel like a pariah – like I was taking advantage of the system and I was lying. I wish I didn’t have to feel that way because, like I said, I think almost everybody has anxiety with this and so that does not help. So, that’s what I wish.

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